
What is Backdoor.Sinpid - How to Remove the Backdoor.Sinpid

Backdoor.Sinpid is detected by my anti-virus program. I got this virus when I tried to install a game which downloaded from Internet. However, when I tried to remove it by my anti-virus program, it told me that this virus needs to be removed manually. How can I do that? I know nothing about the computer. Is there anyone can help me?

What is Backdoor.Sinpid?
Backdoor.Sinpid virus process is a dangerous Trojan horse which will target on all the Windows OS computers, usually the cyber criminals will attach the virus process to some infected programs, processes or spam E-mail attachment, once the PC users activate the virus process, Trojan Horse TDSS.BE will be installed to the infected PC in a short time. Most of the security tools can detect the virus infection but can not remove the virus completely, and that is the reason many PC users have no idea about removing this threat. It is suggest that PC users should remove this virus in a manual way so that it can be removed completely.

In general, Backdoor.Sinpid can modify all the system settings on the infected computer, desktop image, homepage and other system items can be changed completely. What is more, the nasty Trojan horse is able to download other viruses on the same PC, that is why many victims suffer browser hijack redirect, rough program and even the malware infection. The infected machine will get a slow performance which is caused by the Trojan horse, it keeps taking over the high resource of the CPU so that PC user have to take a long time to run some programs and go online. Anyway, this virus is extremely dangerous which needs to be removed completely

How DO I Get Infected with Backdoor.Sinpid

Backdoor.Sinpid virus may be diffused by making use of exploit kit such as BlackHole, which has the capability to install the virus into a targeted computer using found security vulnerabilities.
Backdoor.Sinpid virus may be delivered by some “free” applications coming from distrusted Internet resources.
Backdoor.Sinpid virus may be distributed by some malicious websites which may contain suspicious commercial or limited adult contents. Some standard web pages like P2P file sharing websites may also be attacked and used by hackers to spread the components of the virus.
Backdoor.Sinpid virus is also prevalent on some links or attachments embedded in a spam email.

In a word, Backdoor.Sinpid is a rampant Trojan virus that is designed by cyber criminals with the purpose of collecting computer users’ privacy. If you are not careful enough when you are viewing things online, your computer will be attacked by it easily. It can slow down the performance of the infected computer, which will lead to abnormal computer shut-downs frequently and you will lose those data you don’t save before the shut-down. The cyber criminals are able to record your computer using traces for profitable use. Please have the Trojan removed timely.

