
What is Gen:Variant.Downloader.167 - How Do I Remove the Gen:Variant.Downloader.167

What is this Gen:Variant.Downloader.167? Is it dangerous? It was caught by my anti-virus program. I go online and find out that it is a malicious virus. How can I remove this virus permanently? It seems that my anti-virus fails to get it removed from my computer. I don’t want it damages my computer. I’m not a computer savvy, is there anything I can do? Please advise.

Brief Introduction to This Trojan

Nowadays, many computer users report that their computers have been infected by Gen:Variant.Downloader.167. So, what is this thing? It belongs to Trojan infection with malicious traits. As a common Trojan like others, this Trojan also targets on computers with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8. Once it sneaks into the target computers, it can bring destructive damages to the infected computers. This Trojan has a small size, however, the destroy ability of it is beyond imagination. As a Trojan infection, many reputable anti-virus programs have reported it as a compute threat. To our surprised, it seems that this Trojan is able to break the anti-virus program which is installed on the infected computer. That means the anti-virus program on the infected computer can’t remove it for computer users.

To make it be more specific, this Gen:Variant.Downloader.167 can disable the anti-virus from the system registry, so that the protection tool can’t work from the startup. The system firewall can be turned off by this Trojan as well. With such a low security level, this Trojan can download many other computer viruses and Trojans into the infected computer. In this condition, the situation of the infected can be worse and worse. Mostly, this Trojan uses the Internet to spread to innocent computer users all over the world. Cyber hackers can embed this Trojan into many websites, especially those web pages contain porn content. What’s more, this Trojan can also hide in other free programs that can be downloaded from the Internet as cyber hackers can implant it into those commonly used programs and publish the infected programs online for people to download. Spam E-mails are another way to spread this Trojan, hackers can adhere this Trojan as a fake attachment and forge the titles of the E-mails just in order to lure people to open.

So, computer users should be aware of those unknown links and attachments. This Trojan is tricky for anti-virus program to handle. Except disabling the anti-virus, this Trojan is able to damage the whole system bit by bit if it can’t be removed in time. The system files can be corrupted by this Trojan. To make the situation worse, this Trojan can duplicate itself and spread to every corner on the infected system. The performance on the infected system can be slower and slower as this Trojan can waste a large percent of CPU usage. It is really annoying.


Gen:Variant.Downloader.167 is a horrible computer Trojan horse infection which aims on computers with Windows OS. It can disable the anti-virus program and the system firewall without user consent. To make the situation worse, it can download other computer threats to the infected computer to make further damages. People who detect this infection on their computer should get it removed as soon as possible.

