
Fix Windows Error Cannot Start

For most PC users it is a very important to know some knowledge about registry and master some methods to deal with windows errors by themselves. As we all know the registry errors have many categories and many windows errors such as dll errors, exe errors, and driver files errors are associated with system registry errors.

For example, when you install or uninstall programs, some information about programs are installed in your system registry. If you improperly remove or change the program's installed catalog, the program information in registry is not changed. It still looks for the older program's installed catalog when you are running the program. Thus the windows errors occur. Your system may slow down dramatically and even collapse. To prevent and fix problems in the registry, you must perform regular registry scans to detect and remove all unwanted data from it. You can do this easily and quite economically with the help of a reliable Registry Cleaner tool. Using an advanced registry cleaner tool, you can perform several registry maintenance tasks, such as scan and repair several registry and computer errors, remove malicious virus and spyware registry data, perform registry backup, and defrag the registry. Otherwise, malware programs such as virus and spyware are also main reasons of windows errors.

Viruses can infect your system and add many malicious codes or files in you registry to let your PC crash. Spyware copy several malicious applications to your system that not only deteriorate system performance, but also steal your personal and confidential data and transmit it to external sources for malicious use. To solve these problems you must install an good antivirus tool. You must make these programs updated usually to keep the latest version in order to keep up with updated viruses.

At last, it is an important thing for PC users to clean their hard disk. Over time, a lot of junk files and unwanted data collect on the hard disk, unnecessarily filling it up and fragmenting its files. When the hard disk is full of fragmented files, the head of the hard disk has to scan through multiple places on the disk to read related data. In more severe cases, these problems may cause physical damage to the disk, which may, in turn, result in data loss.You can use windows system tools -disk cleanup and disk defragmenter to help you clean your hard disk. If your windows system is damaged so strongly by malware or other man-made operation that above methods can't fix it, you must recover whole system by using other tool such as Ghost at this time.

