
What is PUAPackedPECompact1 - How PUAPackedPECompact1 is dangerous for your system?

You come to notice that the performance of your computer is getting worse? Some files in the computer cannot be found suddenly? At the same time, antivirus program keeps showing a report saying the computer is infected with PUAPackedPECompact1 virus but cannot eliminate it completely? You don’t want to lose your computer because there are a lot of valuable data on the computer. How to make the computer back to normal?

What is PUAPackedPECompact1?
PUAPackedPECompact1 virus process is a dangerous Trojan horse which will target on all the Windows OS computers, usually the cyber criminals will attach the virus process to some infected programs, processes or spam E-mail attachment, once the PC users activate the virus process, Trojan Horse TDSS.BE will be installed to the infected PC in a short time. Most of the security tools can detect the virus infection but can not remove the virus completely, and that is the reason many PC users have no idea about removing this threat. It is suggest that PC users should remove this virus in a manual way so that it can be removed completely.

In general, this PUAPackedPECompact1 virus can change the system settings on the infected PC, the infected PC will stay in a slow performance which makes PC users annoyed. PC users may be redirected to some malicious websites frequently and get a lot of popping-up windows since it is able to download other virus infections like browser hijack redirect, what is more, desktop image and homepage can be replaced completely as well. Thus, this PUP virus needs to be removed completely in a manual way to avoid virus damage.

How PUAPackedPECompact1 is dangerous for your system?

1.It is responsible for system slowdown and also makes your system to behave unusually.
2.It installs into your system without any prior information and without users permission.
3.It creates invalid registry entries and modifies registry values
4.It adds additional malware and spyware to users computer
5.It is capable of installing a rootkit on your system

One of the harmful aspects of the virus is that when it enters into user’s computer it is very difficult to be detected or to know what damage it has done.

