
What is System Streaming Booster - How to Remove it?

I need help get rid of this System Streaming Booster thing off my computer. I tried to run Malwarebytes several times and it said it had deleted it. But then this annoying popup comes right back. Can this virus steal my personal data on the PC? What can it do to the whole system? And how do I get it off from my computer successfully?

What is System Streaming Booster?
System Streaming Booster is detected as a vicious PC threat that is classified into the Trojan horse family. To reach more innocent users, malware developers embed its malicious codes into some popular downloads and risky websites. Also, they may also make use of email attachments to deliver this threat so that this virus can be activated as long as you click on the attached files. Normally, System Streaming Booster will temper the DNS settings, hosts file, Windows registry items and more the moment it penetrates inside. After that, it is designed to download and deploy suspicious monitoring devices inside the machine and keep track of your every move.

Tricky as the System Streaming Booster virus is, it may take use of the system leaks to install some unwanted freeware in the computer without any consent. The Trojan infection launches as a background program, taking up the CPU usage. It makes great troubles to net users during online activities. To more specific, the Trojan infection may redirect your favorite websites to unwanted content which are full of annoying pop-up ads. It can change the desktop image, homepage and other settings of the computer. The danger of the Trojan remains in its ability to steal vital information from unknown users for remote hackers to perform illegal activities. Thus, the Trojan attack must be removed from the computer immediately.

How can you know that your system is infected by System Streaming Booster?

You may identify this fake anti spyware program on your system as:
1.It slows down system performance
2.Displays many security warnings and security alerts
3.Internet browser of your system is hijacked or re-directed.
4.Many new icons and desktop background appears on system
5.In critical situation it is also responsible for System crash.

Once this rouge malware is installed it started performing many false scanning of your system and different pop ups and other notifications that are tricks used to make user convince that there system is badly infected by many spywares and malwares.

