
What is ActivePlayer.us Pop-up - How Do I Remove the ActivePlayer.us Pop-up

Hi, my computer has been running pretty slow in these few days. And as soon as I go online, I get this fake pop up keeps saying I need to download a flash player which is from ActivePlayer.us. However, my player is latest version. Is this a fake pop up or is it an internet attack trying to hack my computer? Is there any program to get rid of this? I have tried a lot of programs but it still pops up. How do I get rid of it completely?

ActivePlayer.us Pop-up Description:

ActivePlayer.us is a fake web page designed to trick users into downloading other potentially unwanted programs or malware. It gives fake report telling you that you are required to download the latest flash player in order to view this page or video. Don’t be taken in this tactic because this website refers to browser hijacker/adware or other virus. It modifies your default DNS settings of browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer, changes your home page and pops up on your screen every time your start browsing the web. If you see this fake message pops up on your computer, then your computer must be under attack and you have to take immediate action to get rid of it, otherwise both your computer and your privacy will be in a high-risk situation.

There are many other fake websites like Adobeupdate2014.com and Updatevideos.com designed with the same goal by deceiving computer users and making them click and download third-party products. The more clicks, the more programs it distributes. This unwanted guest can get into the computer easily if you are not cautious when surfing the Internet because it can be bundled with some freeware that you downloaded from unsafe sources, malicious websites and spam email attachments. Once it is activated, the running speed of the computer will become increasingly slow and network security will be in a high risk condition. Also your homepage or search engine may have been changed without your permission. ActivePlayer.us popup is constantly being displayed when you browse the Internet and keeps disturbing your online activity so you have to find an effective way to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Potential Dangers Caused by A Hijacker Virus:

It belongs to browser hijacker virus which can totally mess up your browser setting.
It changes your default DNS configuration and blocks you accessing your favorite sites.
It may install some malware in your computer to make bad influence without your consent.
It degenerates your computer performance gradually.

How Can ActivePlayer.us Hijacker Get On Your PC?

Browser hijacker infection like ActivePlayer.us pop-up may enter your system as an add-on for your browser or bundled-up with some free software. Most of time, it can be downloaded from a website you visited, something you clicked on, or a pop-up that you did not request to view. You may not even know when and how you download this browser hijacker which compromises your internet security until you find your computer is fully messed up. A hijack virus is a type of computer virus known for its ability to disrupt your Internet browsing. It can redirect your Internet searches to random sites, disallow you from visiting certain Web sites, and change your Internet home page. In addition, it is able to slow your computer, decrease your available memory, and flood your computer with popup advertisements. When you detect the presence of such malicious hijacker, a complete removal is needed without any hesitation.

ActivePlayer.us is known as browser hijacker that can change your browser settings, redirect you to websites you don’t want, modify your default homepage and install other unwanted things like add-ons or toolbar to your computer without your permission. Whenever you browse the internet ActivePlayer.us always opens new tabs on its own and blocks you from closing its window. Please be attention that this pop up can not be trusted and you should not click on it at any time. It might contain fake antivirus or Trojan virus. The creator behind this pop up makes money by leading you to other suspicious web sites, taking you to sponsored domain to generate more network traffic, collecting your information for sales leads and displaying ads and sponsored links on your Webpage. Don’t hesitate to remove ActivePlayer.us pop-up once it is found.

