
What is ProductivityPro Ads?

How can I get rid of ProductivityPro Ads from my computer? My security tool gave me the alert of infection of this Trojan yesterday. But I cannot get rid of it at all because it keeps recurring after every scan. What can I do now? Is there any way I can remove this Trojan permanently?

What is ProductivityPro Ads?
ProductivityPro Ads is a nasty Trojan horse virus that can infect the Windows OS compters via the infected programs or executable processes, once PC users activate the virus process, ProductivityPro Ads is able to attack the objective machine within a short time. Some PC users suppose that anti-virus can remove this virus completely, however, it will keep coming back after being removed by the security tools since it has the ability to change its name and position on the registry. This virus process can cause a terrible virus infection on the infected PC, it is strongly suggest that you should remove this PUP virus immediately and manually.

As mentioned above, ProductivityPro Ads is a highly dangerous virus and it just aims to access your computer without your knowledge, grabbing your credit card information and other personal details and even install more infections to damage your computer. To protect your computer and your privacy, you should remove it from your computer as soon as it is detected.

Properties of ProductivityPro Ads:

1.Able to communicate with other systems with the help of HTTP protocols
2.Makes its copy automatically in various locations of the system so as to make the user difficult to remove it
3.Gets added in the Registry auto start so that it gets active when the system boots up
4.Works to register a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file
5.The process is packed or encrypted using a software packing process

These properties clearly states that how destructive this malware can be. So, its removal becomes necessary before it causes further damage to the infected system.

