
What is TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C - How Do I Remove the TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C

What does TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C do in my computer? Is it a nasty virus? I downloaded an new flash player last night. Suddenly I got this virus without alert. I don’t know how to deal with Trojan virus. How to remove this virus? I try deleting it, but failed. My antivirus alert me its infection every time when I restart the computer. Is there anyway I can get rid of it completely?

TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C Description :

TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C is a stubborn Trojan virus. Trojan virus is mainly used to steal bank information and password, important data on the infected computers. Another negative effect it would bring to infected PCs is slow computer performance. According to a recent report, we may have concluded that this virus is mainly created to be as a data theft. If the Trojan virus is now staying in your computer, it can record and analyze your typing on the keyboard Since it have packed with key logger which is mainly used to record each key stroke to the keyboard to collect all the accounts, password, and chatting. it is not safe to use the infected computer any more. It will pack all the collections of valuable data which can be used for money scam on your computer, send this data to its creator through hacked server later on.

Its creators can use these data to steal your money. Important data can also be sold to other hackers for further illegal activities. We cannot make sure about how they will do to your valuable data. This kind of Trojan virus will also invade your important social network account and your online game account, and then use your account to swindle money from your friends and contacts. Hackers will also scam your friends’ money. For you own safety, you need to remove Trojan virus as soon as possible.

TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C is a stubborn virus. In conclude, the Trojan virus can be set into the deepest position of system folder to kidnap the whole operating system. It is easy for it to get your account and password. The sensitive data in the infected computers is collected by this virus. After that, all of the necessary information hackers need is transferred to its creators and some third party. To complete that process, Trojan virus is linked with the remote server so that hackers can get the information they want. They can also contact or remote control infected computer with the help of Trojan virus. If you have involved with Trojan virus infection on your computer, you cannot correctly and safely use the infected computer from that on. each step will take forever to load. It can take more than 5 minutes to turn on the infected computer. And you can barely run any large program. If you want to protect your computer, you need to remove TrojanClicker:Win32/Clikug.C instantly.

