
What is PureLeads Virus?

I can’t get rid of a Trojan virus on my computer. Yesterday I was playing a game and then AVG said PureLeads Virus was detected on my computer. However, AVG didn’t allow me to remove it. Is there any other way I can remove this virus completely?

What is PureLeads Virus?
PureLeads Virus is a risky Trojan horse that spreads through network and targets worldwide computers terribly. It comes to the target computer while users visit malicious websites, click on random popups and web links and download freeware from affected web resources. Once the Trojan horse arrives, it installs in the computer and launches as a background program. It takes up the CPU usage greatly and slows down the speed of the contaminated system and normal program functions. Users will find it difficult to perform computer tasks smoothly, for the affected computer experiences system stuck and constant freezes frequently. Such a Trojan horse is capable to mess up your personal files and computer files. That is, users may fail to run applications like Excel and Notepad etc. and get pop-up errors related to system files and entries. To invade the computer deeply, the Trojan exploits the system leaks to drop harmful codes to the computer secretly. To avoid system crash and other serious damages, PC users should remove the
Trojan horse from the computer immediately.

The PureLeads Virus virus is designed by cyber criminals, and it opens a back door for remote hackers to pilfer system data and online history from unknown net users. Besides, it may enable some nasty ads-on, plug-ins and extensions to install in the computer without any consent. While being affected, users will have trouble surfing the net. To more specific, the Trojan may typically redirect users’ Internet search results to non-beneficial web pages which belong to computer threats. Meanwhile, constant pesky pop-up ads will appear on the screen, annoying you a lot. It also modifies your favorite desktop image, homepage and other default computer settings. Notorious as the Trojan horse is, it should not be ignore or left in the computer too long. Instead, PC users need to delete the PureLeads Virus virus from the computer manually and completely soon.

Harmful effects of PureLeads Virus:

1.Installs various malicious programs to the PC
2.Deletes various important files or documents from the system
3.Make your PC slow
4.Interrupts your privacy settings
5.Redirect your browser to malicious sites
6.Modify the registry entries
7.Displays various annoying pop ups or errors
8.Send your emails to other people without your permission
9.Slow down the internet connection
10Creates short cuts of several files

This Trojan can give rise to several awful issues and can also crash your system if stay longer in the PC. So it is recommended to remove PureLeads Virus immediately.

