
What is Gyl.javatri.net popup - How to remove it?

Gyl.javatri.net popup replaces my browser homepage! It happened when I was downloading a shareware from a website. I thought my anti-virus software would protect my computer of viruses, but unfortunately it didn’t block the browser hijacker. How can I get rid of the nasty browser redirect entirely to enjoy clean computer environment? Following removal guide on this post will do you a great favor.

What is Gyl.javatri.net popup?
Gyl.javatri.net popup is a fake search engine which is created by the cyber criminals to collect information from the infected browsers. This browser hijack redirect can be spared by the infected free programs, spam E-mail attachment and unknown links, once the PC users install or open these infected files, the Gyl.javatri.net popup will be able to attack the computer in a short time. It can target on any browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome and cause chaos on the infected browsers. This nasty browser hijack redirect needs to be removed as soon as possible to keep the infected PC safe.

In general, Gyl.javatri.net popup will act as a real search engine to cheat the naive PC users, and that is the reason it can get the information by recording the keyword and other actions. If the PC users search something on this website, they may get irrelevant sites which contain other virus infections. This browser hijack redirect can not be removed by uninstalling in control panel, most of the advanced anti-virus program can not fix this problem as well. Thus, we suggest that PC users should remove this nasty browser hijack redirect virus in a manual way.

