
What is Download-Player.com Pop-up - How DO I Remove the Download-Player.com Pop-up

I have been trying to get rid of Download-Player.com pop-up on my HP laptop. As soon as I browse online, I get this fake pop up keeps prompting me to download a flash player. I knew this warning is fake but I cannot find a way to remove it. I can neither close the pop-up window nor minimize it. It is annoying and driving me crazy!! Also I tried to downloaded spyware removal program but it said nothing in my computer is corrupted. Please help!!!

Download-Player.com Pop-up Hijacker Description:

Download-Player.com is a deceitful web page that belongs to one of the fake java update virus scams designed by cyber criminals in order to compromise the affected systems and lure unwary customers into downloading their malware. This website is actually associated with a sophisticated browser redirecting malware that can be bundled with various music players, video recorders and download managers. Like many other browser hijacker threats, this pop-up message can appear itself on web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome without asking permission from the PC users. For most people, they may not realize that their computer has been attacked even though they have seen Download-Player.com pop-up on their computer out of nowhere because browser hijacker is not considered as a virus, therefore antivirus programs have no ability to catch it. However, it acts more aggressive than other types of threats since it can greatly affect your computer function, download other infections on your computer and especially interrupt your online activity.

Download-Player.com ads are simply used to send traffic to partners in order to make money from these ads. Also this pop-up is used for distributing third-party products which may have low reputation or contain a virus. If you are tricked into downloading any programs from this pop-up ads or web page, you will either install some potentially unwanted program (adware, browser extension, plugin) or end up visiting commercial/sponsored website. Also your web surfing will be unsafe anymore. If adware is hidden in your system, you will have more and more pop up ads that are impossible to stop whenever you browse online because the malware can collect your information and control your keyword search in the background. Depending on what you are searching for, it shows commercials advertisements to attract your attention and tricks you to download malicious software known as PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Program) or PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Application). In order to protect your computer, you have to get rid of Download-Player.com ads as soon as it is detected.

If Download-Player.com pop-up appears on your browser, then your web surfing experience will be definitely decreased at that time. When you search something on your computer, you will see a large amount of sponsored links added to the search results to catch your eyes instead of the information you want. Also it can replace your original start page and search provider without any approval. In addition, this adware can generate tons of ads that are related to your online habits in order to interrupt your browsing activities and promote its products. It is advised users to always read the Terms and Agreements carefully before installing software because Download-Player.com pop-up usually comes bundled with the downloaded software. Also don’t click too fast thru the installation process [Next] button of software as you will agree to software you might not want to install. If the installer offers a Advanced or Custom option button, click it to find out if there is any other malicious software offered and installed during the installation process. Most importantly, you should remove Download-Player.com pop-up immediately once it is found.

