
How Can PUP.SmartPcSolutions Virus Attack the Computer?

PUP.SmartPcSolutions virus infection. My computer has been infected by this PUP virus while installing a unknown process accidentally, AVG detects the virus infection and removes it immediately from my computer, however, each time when I restart the infected computer, this virus will keep coming back. How can I remove this PUP virus completely from my PC? Do I have to use another anti-virus program like Norton or MSE? How about manual removal? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of PUP.SmartPcSolutions Virus:

PUP.SmartPcSolutions is a dangerous virus process which belongs to PUP virus family, like other PUP virus process, PC users may get the virus infection from the infected programs or processes accidentally. Once this virus has been installed completely, the infected computer will be in an unsafe situation, this virus is able to attack all the Windows OS especially Windows XP since Microsoft has stopped most of the service on it. Thus, PUP.SmartPcSolutions is an extremely dangerous virus process which needs to be removed completely to keep the infected machine safe.

PUP.SmartPcSolutions will cause terrible virus infection on the infected PC, and that is the reason most of the infected machines will suffer slow performance after being attacked. PUP.SmartPcSolutions may be detected by anti-virus program once it has started its working, however, most of the anti-virus programs don’t have enough power to get rid of it since it has the ability to change some system setting to avoid the tracking of security tools. Thus, manual removal is the best way to remove this nasty threat completely from the infected PC.

How Can This Virus Attack the Computer?

How did you get PUP.SmartPcSolutions virus on your computer? Usually these kinds of the viruses will be planted to some programs especially free programs, .exe, .bat or other executable processes and unsafe links. The computer will get the virus infection when the PC users install, open or click on these infected files. Sometimes the virus can even attack the computer by the files on the USB stick as well. Most of the unsafe website and forum will contain the virus infection, the computer can be infected while visiting these webpages.

What Damage Will be Caused by the Virus:

Generally speaking, this virus can cause terrible virus infection on the infected computer like running slowly and even computer crashing. Once this virus has been installed to the computer, PC users will have to spend a long time opening programs or turning on the infected machine. It keeps taking over the high resource of the CPU and attacking the anti-virus program, other threats can be downloaded automatically from the unsafe website as well. What is worst, the cyber criminals have ability to remote control the infected PC due to this dangerous virus, all the information is in a high-risk of being stolen, the whole computer won’t be safe anymore.

In summary, PUP.SmartPcSolutions is totally a nasty PUP virus process that needs to be removed completely from the infected PC, the infected machine will be in a high-risk situation of being attacked by cyber criminals if it keeps staying on. The entire information on the browser, local Disk and even removable device can be viewed and copied without PC user’s permission, since anti-virus program can not be able to get rid of this PUP virus process completely, it is strongly suggested that PC users should remove this virus manually to avoid virus damage.

