
What is SearchAssist.me virus - How Do I Remove the SearchAssist.me virus

SearchAssist.me virus is a browser hijacker that replaces your homepage and default search provider without your permission and tries to advertise various websites. The hijacker can affect Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. These are the most popular browsers, so it affects a lot of users all over the world. Although SearchAssist.me virus looks like a lot of other search providers, it is not able to provide reliable search results. Moreover, the program can allow various threats to reach your system, so it is recommended to remove it from your browser once you detect it.

SearchAssist.me virus comes bundled to various freeware applications. If you want to avoid it, you have to be more careful with freeware downloads. Make sure you don’t allow them to change your homepage, search provider or other browser settings. This you can control if you choose Custom installation and follow the installation steps very carefully.

If SearchAssist.me virus has already affected you browser, yo have to other choice but to remove it. Otherwise, the program will constantly interfere your browsing habits and try to make you visit sponsored websites. Its creators are getting paid for creating bigger traffic for various websites of commercial companies, etc. This is the main purpose of SearchAssist.me virus. Below you can find a tutorial explaining how to remove this annoying application.

At first, you have to uninstall SearchAssist.me virus from your computer. Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove programs list and uninstall anything related to this domain from there. Some versions of this hijacker install software that blocks browser settings from changing. To identify them, scanning with Spyhunter or other reputable antispyware tool might be useful. Then you can uninstall the extensions and reset settings in your browsers.

