
Guarantee You Will Need to Fix Windows Errors

No one likes to fix Windows errors but they still repeat the same mistakes that cause errors. Over and over again, the same three mistakes will cause their computer to slow down, produce random errors, and generally become a pain. However, avoiding these errors is easy if you know how to avoid them. The problem is, most people have no clue what they are doing to cause errors.

Shutting Down the Computer Improperly
The worst thing ever is to flip a switch to turn off the computer. Some people have their computer connected to a light switch. This is where an outlet that was designed for a lamp is connected to a switch on the wall. Ideally, the lamp would be left on and the switch would turn power on and off to the lamp.

When you plug your computer into one of these outlets, you are asking for trouble. Your computer was meant to go through a shut down process. The only thing worse than cutting the power to the computer is to rapidly cycle power on and off to the computer. Every time you do this, you are damaging your registry.

Searching the Internet without Spyware Protection
You can tell by the name that spyware is no good. It wreaks havoc on your computer trying to steal information, passwords and basically, your identity. If you get on the internet for any reason at all, you need to make sure your computer is covered with anti-spyware and anti-virus protection. Simple as that.

Spyware and viruses slow down your computer and even when they are removed, they leave unwanted registry related errors.

Never Clean Your Registry
This is the one that trips up most people. Many people know not to turn off their computer abruptly and use the shut down button. Many people know that spyware and viruses are dangerous. Therefore, they will use ample protection to keep their computer safe from unwanted attackers. However, few people are aware of the dangers of a damaged registry.

The registry is the lifeblood of your computer. Everything flows in and out of the registry. Like your own body, the registry has some redundancy. This is necessary in case something goes wrong. When this happens, the registry simply works around it.

However, when your computer has to keep finding new paths to get the job done, it slows the computer down. Registry errors are like the high cholesterol of computers. You don't know they are there but they make everything a bit sluggish. Then if you leave it untreated, you will have a heart attack or in the case of computers, a crash.

What you need to do is run a high quality registry cleaner to keep your computer running fast and smooth. With just a couple of simple clicks, the cleaner can clear out all the damaged, corrupted and missing files allowing your computer to run like new again. Run it once a week and you won't have to worry about Windows registry errors again.

